10 Natural Things That Effectively Remove Stickers From Any Surface

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  • 10 Natural Things That Effectively Remove Stickers From Any Surface
end of tenancy cleaning

Stickers can be particularly difficult to remove from various surfaces when it comes to end of tenancy cleaning. The presence of sticky residue on windows, furniture, or appliances can negatively impact the overall appearance and cleanliness of the area. Thankfully, there are several natural solutions available to solve this issue. These ten all-natural methods will help you get rid of stickers and their adhesive from any kind of surface.


A multipurpose household necessity, vinegar is well-known for its cleaning abilities. Simply dunk a towel or sponge in white vinegar and apply it to the sticker to remove it using vinegar. To soften the glue, let it sit for a few minutes. Then, using a plastic scraper or your fingernail, carefully remove the sticker. Vinegar is an excellent end-of-tenancy cleaning tool since it works well on glass, plastic, and metal surfaces.

Baking soda

An additional powerful natural cleanser is baking soda. Make a paste and apply the paste, allowing it to remain on the sticker residue for a few minutes. Baking soda has an abrasive quality that will aid in the adhesive’s breakdown. After lightly cleaning the area with a damp cloth, use a fresh cloth to remove any remaining residue.

Olive oil

Olive oil is useful for more than simply cooking it can also be used to get rid of stickers. Drizzle a tiny bit of olive oil straight onto the residue or sticker. Allow it to soak into the adhesive for a few minutes. Next, give the area a circular massage with a cloth. By loosening the adhesive, the oil will help you remove the sticker without causing any damage to the surface.

Lemon juice 

An organic acidic cleanser like lemon juice can aid in the removal of sticky stickers. Fresh lemon juice should be squeezed onto the sticker and then left for a few minutes. You may easily take off the sticker because the acidity will dissolve the adhesive. This technique leaves a lovely citrus aroma behind and works especially well on metal and glass surfaces.

Coconut oil

An all-natural substitute for store-bought adhesive removers is coconut oil. Let some coconut oil lie on the sticker residue for a few minutes after applying a small amount of it. By softening the adhesive, the oil will make it simpler to remove the sticker. After using a cloth to remove any remaining residue, wash the area with soap and water to get rid of any oily residue.

Eucalyptus oil

It is well known that eucalyptus oil has potent solvent qualities. After adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the sticker, give it a few minutes to sit. The oil will cause the glue to dissolve, making the sticker easier to remove. This technique produces a clean, fresh smell, making it especially helpful for end of tenancy cleaning.

Almond Butter

As strange as it may sound, peanut butter works well for removing stickers. Peanut butter’s inherent oils aid in the adhesive’s dissolution. After applying a thin layer of peanut butter on the sticker residue, let it remain in place for a little while. After that, rub the area with a towel to remove the sticker. After that, use soap and water to clean the surface to get rid of any oily residue.

Alcohol rubbing

One everyday household item that works well for removing stickers is rubbing alcohol. Using a cotton ball or piece of cloth, dab some rubbing alcohol onto the sticker. To get the glue to dissolve, let it sit for a few minutes. Then, using a plastic scraper or your fingernail, carefully remove the sticker. Glass, plastic, and metal are just a few of the surfaces on which rubbing alcohol is effective.

Hot water

Hot water can sometimes be used to remove stickers. Apply a towel soaked in hot water to the sticker. The heat will cause the glue to melt, facilitating the sticker’s removal. This technique is safe and mild for the majority of surfaces. If the residue is really tough, you can try dissolving the glue with a little dish soap mixed in with hot water.


Another common food item that works well for sticker removal is mayonnaise. Mayonnaise’s oils dissolve adhesive bonding. Let some mayonnaise be applied to the sticker residue and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes. After that, rub the area with a towel to remove the sticker. After that, use soap and water to clean the surface to get rid of any oily residue.


An important aspect of end of tenancy cleaning is getting rid of stickers and adhesive residue. In addition to keeping a room tidy and aesthetically pleasing, using natural ways eliminates the need for harsh chemicals that may be damaging to surfaces and people. 

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